上海市燎原双语学校(LYBS)始创于1992年,坐落在上海市闵行区核心地带,是上海育莘教育旗下一所31年历史的九年一贯制民办双语学校,上海市民办燎原双语高级中学是一所全日制、可寄宿、开设国际课程的民办高中,开办于1997年。燎原双语的师资力量强劲,教师毕业于海内知名院校,在中国国家课程、探究型课程、双语教学及项目式教学等方面拥有丰富的经验。燎原双语为6-18岁小初高学生提供高品质教育,尊重学生个性发展,培养学生具有多元文化视角,使学生成为全球公民和终身学习者。燎原双语高中国际课程班开设加拿大OSSD课程、美国高中课程、IB DP课程、A Level课程、AP选修课,是上海少数提供AP Capstone文凭课程的学校。燎原与加拿大哥伦比亚国际学院(CIC)、美国百年名校伍德斯托克学校合作多年,拥有国际文凭组织IB DP项目、CAIE剑桥大学国际考评部、培生爱德思考试局、美国大学理事会、英国爱丁堡公爵国际奖、小托福考试授权考点等战略合作和授权认证;是多伦多大学的全球合作学校。本次京领专访燎原美国WA项目合作院校美国伍德斯托克学校助理校长Amy Favreau女士。燎原美国WA项目与百年名校伍德斯托克学校合作多年,提供美国高中课程和大学先修(AP)选修课,课程采用N+1模式,高中阶段先在燎原双语就读,最后一年前往美国合作校学习。合作至今,诸多燎原学子成功进入美国顶尖大学,办学项目深受家长和学生的认可。此次,Amy校长以伍德斯托克学校与燎原双语的合作为例,就中美合作办学等方面与我们进行了分享。学校介绍美国伍德斯托克学校Woodstock美国伍德斯托克学校创校于1801年,是美国康涅狄格州一所寄宿制高中。学校获得了包括美国英格兰联会NEASC、美国独立学校协会NAIS在内的多家权威育机构认证。升学成绩斐然,毕业生被哈佛、耶鲁、哥伦比亚、斯坦福、加州大学伯克利分校、洛杉矶分校、宾夕法尼亚大学等名校录取,是一所学术氛围浓厚,提供多元化学习经历,能为学生留学顶尖美国大学提供安全有效路径的理想学校。校长介绍Amy FavreauAmy Favreau校长是伍德斯托克学校的助理校长,也是该校1993年的毕业生。毕业于康涅狄格大学和圣心大学,拥有历史和教育硕士学位。自2010年以来,Amy女士一直从事国际教育工作,她的足迹遍布美国各州和21个国家。在教育工作的经历中,她曾担任过教师、学生会主席、副校长和执行董事。一、尊重个体差异:让学生的发展得到全方位支持燎原双语始终把尊重个体差异,助力学生全方位发展放在第一位。燎原双语高中国际课程班采用个性化教学,努力平衡课程设置,让每位学生都能够学到知识和技能,获得对事物深刻的认识,成为终身学习者;学校的双导师制为学生提供个性化学习规划,并在心理成长和情绪管理上做支持与辅导,让孩子在成长的迷茫阶段能有坚实的后盾……作为燎原中美合作办学的伙伴,伍德斯托克学校同样非常注重学生的全面发展。基于这一共同理念,双校携手探寻教育真谛。1.基于个体的教育模式Q在您看来,美国高中的学习模式是怎样的?A美国高中的学习是基于学生个体的。学生需要思考什么是适合他们的发展道路?他们的梦想是什么?他们需要什么?然后学校会从学生的天赋和技能出发,围绕他们的成长设计具有针对性的课程项目,为他们的高中学习制定规划。在这个过程中,学校会与父母合作,帮助孩子取得成功。在以学生为中心的教学过程中,学生们会被要求进行批判性思考,与老师、同学协作解决问题。很多时候,老师们鼓励学生用不同的方式思考,发挥各自的创造力,提供对问题多样化的解决方式。此外,也会有一些讲座教学的安排。燎原双语设立了多种不同的、富有针对性的咨询和指导,将个性化的教育与升学指导规划提早至6年级。学校通过与学生、家长合作,确定每个人的“最佳”发展方案,将课程项目与每个学生的特点相匹配,为他们提供选择和体验的空间,帮助他们做出最佳的选择。在燎原学子前往伍德斯托克学校进行12年级的学习时,伍德斯托克学校也将提供多样化的社团和活动,以及200多种灵活的课程设置以供选择。每个同学都会配有专业的升学指导老师帮忙规划安排。值得一提的是,燎原学子初到伍德斯托克上课的前两周是“适应期”,在此期间,燎原学子可以感受自己选的课是否适合自己并做出相应的调整。这些设置都充分体现出燎原美国WA项目的课程衔接之完善,以及对学生的个性化发展的极大的重视。2.无处不在的校园支持Q在学习和学校生活中,伍德斯托克学校能给予燎原学生什么样的支持?A伍德斯托克学校的全体工作人员都致力于支持燎原学生的发展。每个学生都配有一个指导顾问,帮助他们设置时间表、选择班级,挑选课程以及申请大学。除了通过九十分钟的课程与学生们讨论学科内容,老师们还会在午餐时段、放学后的时段为学生提供额外的支持。伍德斯托克学校是一个寄宿学校,学生们在晚餐后可以在自习室里学习一到两个小时,如果在此期间发现任何学业上的困惑或是生活上存在的问题,学校的老师和工作人员也会向他们提供帮助。Ocean Jiang是燎原美国WA项目的一位毕业生,虽有肢体上的不便,但在双边学校的支持下,他顺利地从燎原走到了美国宾州州立大学。国内高中阶段,燎原美国WA项目的课程给了他很大的帮助,学校开设的AP Seminar让他受益匪浅并实现了良好的过渡作用。以至于12年级到了美国之后,他对于伍德斯托克的各类课程项目都十分适应,因为在燎原的时候已经经历过了。无论是在燎原还是伍德斯托克,Ocean都感受到了来自多方的关怀,从老师、同学到食堂师傅、宿管阿姨甚至是门卫大叔,大家都对他非常照顾。在美期间,学校考虑到他的行动不便,特意安排在校车在宿舍楼下等他,方便他上下学,还另外安排了两辆小电动车便于他出行。最终,Ocean也成功实现梦想并前往名校开启大学生涯。燎原高中国际课程班副校长孙先龙先生(左一)与Ocean Jiang(右一)能够支持学生勇往直前,去更高更远的地方看世界是燎原立足教育的根本。在未来,燎原双语也将勤勉力行,拥抱变化并调整适应,始终为学生提供最佳的校园支持。3.多元化的评价体系Q伍德斯托克学校如何评价学生?A作为一个教育者,考核评价一直是我们研究的对象。美国有很多标准化测试,例如SAT和ACT。但除此之外,日常的课程也会有一组测试,学生会在某一章节的学习结束后参加测试。大多数时候,学生还需要参加写论文、基于项目进行学习、和其他人一起配合工作,这些过程中的表现都是我们评价的重要依据。以我最近看到的一个视频为例,一个西班牙语课程要求学生们为西班牙的一个城市制作一部旅游视频,学生们需要用西班牙语介绍城市风貌、餐饮特色以及住宿事项。尽管最后呈现的视频内容有些搞笑,但其中体现了学生们大量的创造想象,并且他们也正确地使用了西班牙词汇。这就是一种非常典型的评估方式。同样的,我们的学院没有设置很多所谓的高风险测试,我们只是努力地确保学生掌握了学科内容。如果他们在考试中表现不好,我们实际上会重新教他们,让他们掌握这些技能并继续前进。这是伍德斯托克学校教育的一个重要部分。燎原双语对学生的考核是多方面的,学生的学术成绩、品德表现、艺体表现、社会实践和课后活动等都是考察的重要元素。这样的评价体系既能全面评估学生的综合素质,又能更好地发掘学生的潜能和优势。此外,燎原双语关注学生的成长过程,而不仅仅是结果,学生的努力程度、学习态度、团队合作能力均被纳入评估范围,燎原的学子也能通过自我评价和互相评价,培养自我认知和批判性思维。总体而言,燎原的评价体系以学生为中心,尊重学生的个性差异和特点,关注学生的需求和兴趣,强调激发学生的主动性和创造性。一切的标准始终聚焦于培养具有全球视野、跨文化交流能力和创新精神的人才。二、双校合力:融汇精华提升学生竞争优势燎原双语和伍德斯托克学校的中美合作办学项目采用N+1模式,学生在燎原双语高中完成10、11年级的学习后,赴美国入读伍德斯托克学校的12年级,最终修完学分并获得美国高中文凭。此外,在11年级前和12年级前的暑假,燎原双语还开设美国和中国两地参加的暑期学期课程,供学生修习学分。两所学校将根据学生大学及职业发展需求制定升学指导计划,伍德斯托克学校将凭借多年常春藤录取经验给予学生专业指导。即便存在文化上的差异,燎原双语与伍德斯托克学校始终在教育理念、教育模式上保持高度一致,举双方之力凝聚中美优质教育资源,给学生们带去最佳的教育体验。1.走进每一位学生Q您认为伍德斯托克学校教育的秘诀是什么?A我认为学校教育的秘诀就是个性化。确保我们了解学生,了解他们喜欢什么,或者是什么激励了他们。当我们这样做的时候,就可以让他们更努力地挑战自己,参加更难的课程。所以我认为真正了解学生,了解他们的目标和梦想是非常重要的。我工作的一部分就是面试学生。我甚至在面试的过程中,就开始了解学生们喜欢做什么、不喜欢做什么。我想知道你为什么喜欢音乐?是和家庭有关吗?是激励你的东西吗?所以我认为真正的个性化教学、对学生的关注是我们的秘诀。无论是在燎原双语还是伍德斯托克学校,对学生的关注都是一以贯之的。燎原双语不仅关心学术和常规的教育,而且关注很多其他非常重要的事情,例如学生的幸福感。学校通过提供丰富的课外活动,让学生有机会发展不同的技能。学校的“非常学堂”以CAS(Creativity创造、Activity活动、Service服务)理念为核心,以养成学生身体素养、心理素养和技能素养为目标,着重培养学生在“玩与学”中学会解决问题、自我管理、沟通协作、领导创造、批判性思维等成长力,也让学生在激发潜能、培养爱好、发挥创造、塑造品质的同时收获美好的校园时光。2.助力学子摘星Q伍德斯托克学校可以为燎原学子进入大学提供什么样的支持?A学生们往往会为进入大学付出非常多的努力,我们的老师会全程给他们提供建议和帮助。首先,从他们进入伍德斯托克的那一刻起,学校就会要求他们考虑简历中包含的一切。燎原的学生需要通过具有挑战性的课程,取得优异的GPA成绩;学校希望燎原学生参与更多的活动。例如他们在做社区服务吗?他们自愿贡献时间了吗?他们了解他们周围的社区吗?他们是否参加了可能很有趣的俱乐部或活动?这些事情表明他们不仅仅是在教室里,并且广泛融入到社会。此外,学校鼓励学生前往高校进行参观学习。我们在康涅狄格州,离波士顿一小时车程,离纽约几小时车程,你可以参观哈佛、耶鲁,了解学校的环境并和学校里的人交流。最后,学校会组织模拟面试,帮助学生提前感受申请大学的过程,并教会他们如何展示自己,为自己取得的成绩而自豪。为了帮助学生进入梦校,燎原双语在学生入学申请的全过程,始终陪伴在侧。这包括申请大学研究、访问、准备申请材料、决定、定向到行程支持。升学老师们会提前了解所有学生的个人背景、兴趣爱好和学术及职业抱负,然后与其他部门密切合作,确保所有学生都有机会发展社会技能、兴趣爱好,并参与社区服务项目、学术和非学术竞赛等。这些活动既能增加大学申请的优势,又能实现对学生核心技能的整体拔高,贯彻了燎原双语“全人教育”的理念。线上升学指导三、合作办学:国际教育持续深化扩张燎原双语通过开设一流的美国高中国际课程,帮助学生成为兼具中国内核与世界视野的国际化人才。与伍德斯托克联合培养的模式也大大地帮助了学生提前感受美国教育文化,以便融入到日后的大学生活中。双方的合作得以持续深化,只因对学生培养的目标方面有着共同的价值观——让学生成为具有国际视野的终身学习者。伍德斯托克校长Sandford先生到访燎原燎原双语注重国际化人才培养。除了伍德斯托克学校,学校还与加拿大哥伦比亚国际学院合作多年,提供加拿大安大略省国际高中课程。燎原双语开设的的安省OSSD项目同样采用“N+1”模式,学生12年级前往CIC就读一年获得OSSD学历后,即刻和本地学生一样走101申请通道,避开与省外和国外的学生竞争激烈的105通道。燎原双语OSSD项目大学联盟录取保障Q您如何看待国际教育的未来趋势以及合作办学的模式?A国际教育将变得越来越受欢迎。随着科技的发展,我们可以接触到不同的国家和不同的人,交流越来越容易。随着地球变得越来越小,了解不同的文化和不同的人是很重要的。集团正在走向全球,扩张到更多的市场,雇主都在寻找了解不同的文化、语言等的人才。所以我认为国际教育只会不断扩张。合作办学对双方都有好处,无论是对伍德斯托克学校还是对于参与其中的学生。如果我有一个来自LYBS的学生,他在课堂上很努力,我可以打电话给校长和老师说,我注意到这个学生在课堂上很努力,他似乎在科学方面很有天赋。通过更深入的对话,他们会帮助我更多地了解学生,我们就可以帮助他提升到另一个水平。合作办学的模式增加了学校的国际交流机会,推动学校的国际化发展,也增强了学生的综合素质和竞争力。燎原双语引进先进的教育理念和资源,不断提升学校的教育水平和教学质量,学生可以接触到更广泛的知识领域,通过参加国际交流和实习项目,提高跨文化交流能力和实践经验,还可以通过接触到国际化的教育理念和课程,参加国际考试和认证,为未来的国际化发展打下坚实的基础。这也正是燎原双语开启中外合作办学项目的初衷,通过与国外优质学校、教育机构合作,引进优质教育资源,丰富课程设置,提高教学质量,培养学生国际化视野,提供给孩子们应对万变挑战的能力。正如燎原双语总校长Antony所说:“在相对‘不确定’的时代,教育是能提供给孩子相对‘确定性’的系统。”为了实现这一目标,燎原双语的教育也在不断地追新求变、与时俱进,更好地适应孩子未来发展的需求。在先进的办学理念与顶尖的教学团队的引领下,燎原双语高中国际课程班的毕业生遍及海内外各大顶尖院校。众多从燎原双语走出的优秀学子被包括加州大学伯克利分校、帝国理工、UCL、爱丁堡大学、曼彻斯特大学、KCL、多伦多大学、UBC、华盛顿大学、伊利诺伊大学香槟分校、普渡大学、伦斯勒理工、宾州州立大学、迈阿密大学、明尼苏达大学双城分校、罗格斯大学、雪城大学、悉尼大学、墨尔本大学、香港理工大学、伦敦艺术大学、普瑞特艺术学院、伯克利音乐学院等顶尖学府录取。2023年,燎原双语不负众望,再度在升学方面创下佳绩,包揽诸多世界TOP15、TOP30,美国藤校,英国前10,加拿大前20,澳洲前10,新西兰前5等顶尖院校的offer。燎原双语学校的开放日在即!如果您想更深入地了解学校的办学实力、教育理念、课程项目等详情,欢迎您扫描下方海报上的二维码报名预约。English VersionI.Respect individual differences:Let the development of studentsget all-round support.LYBS always puts respecting individual differences and helping students develop in an all-round way in the first place.The international curriculum class of LYBS adopts individualized teaching and strives to balance the curriculum. So that every student can learn knowledge and skills, gain a profound understanding of things, and become a lifelong learner. The school's dual-tutorial system provides students with personalized learning planning, and provides support and guidance in psychological growth and emotional management. Let children have solid backing in the confused stage of growth.As a partner of LYBS Sino-US cooperation in running schools, Woodstock School also attaches great importance to the all-round development of students. Based on this common idea, the two schools work together to explore the true meaning of education.1. Individual-basededucation modelQIn your opinion, what is the learning mode of American high school?ASo the first thing and premise that the American high school uses for learning is the individual student. You know what is that students path?What are their dreams? What do they want also? They take into account what their skills are and their talents? And then they try to design a curriculum and a program in path around those students. So students are often involved students and families, and the school are often involved in choosing the courses, and making a plan for high school, and then thinking about what their future plans are. So if they're gonna go to college, what type of college are they gonna go to and preparing for that just like in any country. The parents and the students are also very concerned about their future, they want to be successful, they want to be financially stable, they want to be proud of what they do. So the education sort of centers around leading to that success.In the classroom, I think you would see a lot of student centered learning, so students are asked to think critically to problem solve to work together in cooperation with their classmates, with their teacher, and often times the teachers challenge the students to think in different ways, use their creativity create designs or problem solve in a way that might not be that easy. Certainly there is some reading, lecture, taking tests, but I think the main mode is sort of this creative thinking and an individualized approach to education.LYBS has set up a variety of different and targeted counseling and guidance.Individualized education and guidance planning will be advanced to the sixth grade.Schools work with students and parents to determine the "best" development plan for each person. Match the curriculum project with the characteristics of each student and provide them with space for choice and experience. Help them make the best choice.By the time the students head to Woodstock for their 12th grade studies,Woodstock School will also offer a variety of clubs and activities, as well as more than 200 flexible courses to choose from. Each student will be equipped with a professional entrance instructor to help plan and arrange. It is worth mentioning that the first two weeks when LYBS’s students first came to Woodstock are a period of adaptation. They can feel whether the courses they choose are suitable for themselves and make corresponding adjustments. These settings fully reflect the perfection of the curriculum cohesion of the LYBS WA programme, as well as the great importance attached to the individualized development of students.2. Ubiquitous campus supportQWhat kind of support can Woodstock Academy give to students in the course of study and school life?AWoodstock academy has several staff members whose job is to support students, so every student receives a guidance counselor and that guidance counselor helps them create their schedules, choose their classes and pick their courses. And they also help them with their college application process and really works with them through what we call their plan of study.In addition to that, there are several people on campus that support the students. The teachers are definitely the first sort of line, they have classes of 90 minutes where they're working with their students of approximately 17 to 20 students on the subject matter. They also have a lunchblock where they're open and free to give extra help. They also help students after school. So our teachers are one of the other groups of supports. Students that live on campus are also have a study hall after dinner, where they have about an hour to two hours depending on the day to study with teachers and residential life staff. If they have questions in their classes, and this group of people really help.Ocean Jiang, a graduate of the LYBS WA programme, has physical inconveniences, but with the support of bilateral schools. He went from LYBS to Penn State University in the United States. At the high school stage in China, the curriculum of the LYBS WA programme helped him a lot.The AP Seminar offered by the school has benefited him a lot and achieved a good transition role.So when he arrived in the United States in the 12th grade, he was very adapted to all kinds of curriculum projects in Woodstock. Because it has been experienced in the prairie fire. Whether in LYBS or Woodstock, Ocean has felt the concern from many sides, from teachers, classmates to canteen masters, dormitory management and even guard, everyone takes good care of him. During his stay in the United States, considering his inconvenience, the school arranged for him to wait downstairs in the dormitory on the school bus to facilitate his going to and from school. He also arranged two small electric cars to facilitate his travel. Eventually, Ocean succeeded in realizing his dream and went to a famous university to start his university career.Mr. Sun Xianlong, Vice Principal of LYBS International Division (left) and Ocean Jiang (right)To support students to go forward bravely and see the world from higher and farther places is the foundation of education in LYBS. In the future, LYBS will also work hard, embrace change and adapt, and always provide the best campus support for students.3. Diversified evaluation systemQHow will Woodstock Academy school evaluate a student?AAs an educator, assessment and evaluation has always been something we've studied and looked at it, and so in the United States we have a number of standardized tests, such as the SAT or the ACT.But in addition to that, curriculum also has a group of tests, so student might take a math test at the end of the chapter.Most of the time, in most of the classes, students take a series of quizzes and tests, they also write papers. There are a lot of projects based on learning, so students maybe have to work together with someone else or on their own to have a project.So the assignment create a video to show us that you've already learned.I saw most recently was a Spanish class had to create a tourism video for Spain, so the students had to introduce a city in Spain and tell people in Spanish where they should go, which hotel they should stay at, what restaurant they should eat at, so of course they were practicing their vocabulary, they were also using their creativity around making a video maybe being a little funny. They're using a lot of their creativity while also showing that they know this the Spanish language and the vocabulary, and that they're using it correctly.So I would say that is a pretty typical evaluation system, we do not do a lot of what we called high stakes testing right, where you take a test and it's like pass or fail. We try to make sure that students are mastering their subject matter and if they don't do well on a test, we actually would go back and try to reteach so that they gain those skills. Because we want them to gain skills and move on, so that's an important part of American education.The assessment of students in LYBS is multifaceted.Students' academic achievements, moral performance, artistic and physical performance, social practice and after-school activities are all important elements of the investigation. Such an evaluation system can not only comprehensively evaluate the comprehensive quality of students, but also better explore the potential and advantages of students. In addition, LYBS pays attention to the growth process of students, not just the results. Students'efforts, learning attitudes and teamwork abilities are all included in the evaluation scope. Students can also cultivate self-awareness and critical thinking through self-evaluation and mutual evaluation.Generally speaking,LYBS's evaluation system is student-centered and respects students'individual differences and characteristics. It pays attention to the needs and interests of students and emphasizes the stimulation of students'initiative and creativity.All standards have always focused on cultivating talents with global vision, cross-cultural communication ability and innovative spirit.II.The joint effortsof the two schools:Integrating the essence toenhancethe competitive advantage of students.The Sino-US cooperative school-running project of LYBS and Woodstock School adopts the N + 1 model. After completing the 10th and 11th grades at LYBS, the students went to the United States to attend the 12th grade of Woodstock School. Finally, he completed his credits and obtained an American high school diploma. In addition, during the summer vacation before the 11th and 12th grades, LYBS also offers summer semester courses in the United States and China for students to take credit. The two schools will formulate guidance plans for further education according to the needs of students'university and career development. Woodstock School will give students professional guidance based on years of Ivy League admission experience.Even if there are cultural differences, LYBS and Woodstock School have always maintained consistency in educational philosophy and mode. With the efforts of both sides, China and the United States have gathered high-quality educational resources to bring the best educational experience to students.1. Get to know each studentQWhat do you think the education secret of the Woodstock academy?AI think for us the secret is really that individualized attention and making sure that we get to know the students first, and then understand what it is they like or what it is that motivates them, because then when you have that, you can kind of push them a little harder to challenge themselves, take more difficult classes get involved, and so i think really getting to know the student and understand what they what their goals and dreams is very important. Part of my job is to interview students all of the time. In my interview process, I even start building relationship, I want to know what the students like to do, I want to know what they don't like to do, I want to understand why that's true, why you love music, what is that about, is it something connected to your family, is it something that just inspires you? So I think really individualized focus on students is our secret.Whether at LYBS or Woodstock School, the focus on students is consistent.LYBS is not only concerned about academic and conventional education, but also about many other very important things,such as the happiness of students. The school gives students the opportunity to develop different skills by providing rich extracurricular activities. The school's "extraordinary project" is centered on the concept of CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service). It aims at cultivating students'physical, psychological and technical qualities. Focus on training students to learn to solve problems, self-management, communication and cooperation, leadership and creativity, critical thinking and so on in "play and learn". Changli also enables students to harvest a good campus time while stimulating their potential, cultivating their hobbies, giving full play to their creativity and shaping their quality.2. Help students reach the dreamQWhat kind of support can Woodstock Academy give to students in the future to go the universities?AAll of our students’ guidance counselor along with their teachers help and advise them through that process.So the first thing that we ask students to do right from the minute they get to Woodstock is to start thinking about their resume, having a high GPA, getting good grades, taking hard classes and keep your GPA well.In addition to the GPA , we want students to do something besides.Are they doing some community service? Have they volunteered their time? Have they learned about the community around them? Are they involved with a club or activity that might be just fun? They need to do something that shows that they are beyond the classroom, maybe it has to do with music or sports.So we try to make sure that students have all of those aspects, they have their academics and their GPA that they're involved. Overall and the other thing is to go visit schools. We are in Connecticut, about an hour outside of Boston, a few hours from New York. You can visit Harvard, you can visit Yale, see the schools and see what they are like to see, what the environments like. And talk to people, talk to experts.We bring in experts from the colleges and universities to tell the students you know what you should write about in your essay, and what you should do with the SAT score and things like that so there's a whole series of events that helps students get into college. The application process to college is difficult because it's got a lot of layers and there are many things that students have to do, and they have to show themselves, and sometimes that's hard for young people to really kind of boast about their own success, and so we have to train them and practice with interviews and get them to be proud of all that they've accomplished.In order to help students enter Dream School, LYBS always accompanies students in the whole process of applying for admission. This includes applications for university research, visits, preparation of application materials, decisions, orientation to itinerary support. Teachers will know all students'personal background, hobbies, academic and career aspirations in advance. Then it works closely with other departments to ensure that all students have the opportunity to develop social skills, interests, And participate in community service projects, academic and non-academic competitions, etc. These activities can not only increase the advantages of university applications, but also achieve the overall improvement of students' core skills. It implements the concept of "whole-person education" of LYBS.Online GuidanceIII.Cooperative Education:International education continues todeepen and expand.LYBS offers first-class international courses in WA programme. To help students become international talents with both Chinese core and world vision. The mode of joint training with Woodstock also greatly helps students to experience American education culture in advance, in order to integrate into the future college life. The cooperation between the two sides has been continuously deepened. Only because of the common values of the goal of student training-to enable students to become lifelong learners with an international perspective.Woodstock Principal Sandford Visits LYBSLYBS pays attention to the cultivation of international talents. In addition to Woodstock School, the school has cooperated with Columbia International College in Canada for many years. Offers international high school programs in Ontario, Canada. The Ontario OSSD program set up by LYBS also adopts the "N + 1" model, and students go to CIC for one year in Grade 12 to obtain an OSSD degree. Take the 101 application channel immediately like local students, and avoid the 105 channel which is fiercely competitive with students outside the province and abroad.LYBS OSSD Project University Alliance Admission GuaranteeQHow do you think the future trends in international education,and this kind of cooperative education model?AI can only imagine that international education is gonna become more and more popular. Obviously, with the rapid progress of technology, we have so much access to different countries and different people. Companies are going global because they want to expand to more markets. As we become sort of that shrinking globe, it's important to understand different cultures and different people, because companies and employers are looking for young people and experienced people who have been outside of their community, and who can travel well and understand different cultures, different languages and things like that. So i think international education for everyone is just only going to expand.I definitely think that having the partnership is an advantage both for the Woodstock academy and for the students that are involved, for example, I had a student from LYBS and he or she were struggling in a class. I may be able to call back here to the principal to the teachers and we may have a good conversation about that. Or some students seem to be very talented in science, I can help elevate them to another classroom or level. All of these won't exist if I don't know anyone at the school they came from.By introducing advanced educational concepts and resources, LYBS has continuously improved the educational level and teaching quality of the school. By cooperating with foreign universities or educational institutions, learn from their successful experiences and practices to meet the individual needs of students. In LYBS, students can get in touch with international educational concepts and courses, take international examinations and certifications. To lay a solid foundation for future international development.The mode of cooperation in running schools has increased the opportunities for international exchanges and promoted the internationalization of schools. It also enhances the comprehensive quality and competitiveness of students. By introducing advanced educational concepts and resources, LYBS has continuously improved the educational level and teaching quality of the school. The students can be exposed to a wider range of knowledge, improving cross-cultural communication skills and practical experience by participating in international exchange and internship programs. In additon, students can get in touch with international educational concepts and courses, take international examinations and certifications, to lay a solid foundation for future international development.This is also the original intention of LYBS to start the Sino-foreign cooperative education project,through cooperation with foreign high-quality schools and educational institutions. Introduce high-quality educational resources, enrich the curriculum, improve the quality of teaching, and train international talents.By enhancing students' understanding of multiculturalism, it provides children with the ability to cope with changing challenges.As Antony, the principal of LYBS, said, "Intimes of relative uncertainty, education is a system that can provide children with relative certainty." In order to achieve this goal, LYBS’s education is constantly pursuing new changes and keeping pace with the times. To better meet the needs of children's future development.Under the leadership of advanced school philosophy and top-notch teaching team, graduates of LYBS have gone on to study at top universities and colleges both at home and abroad. Many outstanding students have been admitted to schools such asUC Berkeley, Imperial College, UCL, University of Edinburgh, University of Manchester, KCL, University of Toronto, UBC, University of Washington, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Purdue University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Pennsylvania State University, University of Miami, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, Rutgers University, Syracuse University, University of Sydney, University of Melbourne, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, University of the Arts London, Pratt Institute of the Arts, Berkeley Conservatory of Music, and other top institutions.In 2023, LYBS once again achieved great results in terms of further education, receiving many offers from the world's TOP 15, TOP 30, Ivy League Schools, the UK's top 10, Canada's top 20, Australia's top 10, and New Zealand's top 5 top colleges and universities.LYBS's Open Day is just around the corner!If you would like to learn more about school-running strength, educational philosophy, curriculum program and other details, you are welcome to scan the QR code on the poster below to sign up for an appointment.*文中图片均源自学校官网及官方公众号【点击进入京领国际学校大数据平台,为孩子选择美好人生】本文为京领原创出品未经授权,请勿转载电话:010-82362348微信:Kinglead008京领家长圈京领 KingLead